A warm “Thank you!” for your gift to Lausanne Canada


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Thank you for your generous donation in support of the work of the Lausanne Movement Canada (LMC).

Your financial support allows us to connect Kingdom innovators across Canada, create partnerships, develop materials and host events that empower Christ followers to live out the life-transforming message of God’s love together in families, neighbourhoods, workplaces, and among all nations.

Your donations enable Lausanne Canada to bring the wisdom and practice from the global Lausanne Movement to Canada, and connects Canadians to conversations that matter for our ongoing participation in God’s mission!

We recognize you have many choices as to where to direct your philanthropic gifts and we take our role as stewards of your gift extremely seriously. If you have any questions about your donation or about our work, we would love to hear from you. Please email chair@lausannecanada.com.


LMC Donor Relations