Your SUPPORT helps accelerate SHARED, innovative ways to help more people follow Jesus

Your partnership is essential to Lausanne’s calling to connect Kingdom innovators for global mission acceleration. Thank you! The Lausanne Movement exists in Canada and globally, because of the faithfulness and generosity of so many people's time, talents, prayer and finances.



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Donate by mail

To donate directly, mail your cheque to the address below. For e-transfers please complete the form on the Contact page. Click Here →

Our address: Lausanne Movement Canada, 10 Huntingdale Blvd., Scarborough, ON, M1W 2S5, Canada


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Other ways YOUR GIFTS make a difference

As a registered charitable organization, your donations allows us to connect Kingdom innovators across Canada, create partnerships, develop materials and host events that empower Christ followers to live out the life-transforming message of God’s love together in families, neighbourhoods, workplaces, and among all nations. Lausanne Movement brings the wisdom and practice from the global church to Canada and connects Canadians to conversations that matter.


LAUSANNE MOVEMENT CANADA is a charitable organization, duly registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Canadian Registered Charity B/N 119009736 RR0001

Official Name: Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization in Canada