Lausanne Canada Leadership


Joel B. Zantingh
Director of Engagement

Joel was born in Canada, the son of Dutch immigrants. He has earned degrees from Emmanuel Bible College (B.Th. 1994) and Fuller Seminary (MAGL 2022) He and his wife Christie are enjoying life with four generations, including their adult kids, grandchildren, and parents. They reside in Guelph, Ont., situated on the treaty lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit, and home to many past, present and future First Nations peoples, including the Anishinnabe and Hodinöhsö:ni'.

Joel has over thirty years of Christian service in local, national, and international roles. His work with Lausanne is being done alongside his role as the Canadian coordinator for the World Evangelical Alliance’s Peace and Reconciliation Network, in partnership with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. He is also currently working on a Doctorate.

His prayer is that we would discover the joy of working together, living out the whole, peacemaking & reconciling good news of Jesus.